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April 14, 15, 16
  Once Upon a Time
This kingdom’s problem is no tempest in a teapot
  by Elizabeth Sunshine

  Once upon a time there was a king who began to feel under the weather. The court physicians could not cure him. He grew sicker and sicker, and his family began to worry.

One day the king’s wisest adviser spoke with the queen and the prince.

“Legends tell of magical stones that can cure any disease. Long ago they were scattered to the four winds,” said the adviser. “But I have discovered that there is one in Foggy Kingdom, over the northern mountains.”

The prince, named Gale, offered to go to Foggy Kingdom and get the stone. He asked many people to go with him, but most refused. Rumor said there was a dangerous monster in Foggy Kingdom.

Finally the prince’s friend Ray agreed to go with him. Ray sometimes had his head in the clouds. But the prince knew he was very loyal and would stay with him come rain or shine. So Prince Gale and Ray began their journey.


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